Enriching your life as you invest in others!
As a minister, you are involved in investing your life in people almost every day. This is an incredible calling that has many rewards and benefits, but can also be challenging and require us to be much more intentional about our commitment to God, families and other areas of our lives. Personal Ministry Metrics, LLC exists to help you enrich your life as you invest in others through developing and implementing metrics that help us to be more intentional about faithfulness to God in our ministry, maintain a balance of ministering and being ministered to and help to develop a big picture perspective to be able to be intentional about accomplishing God’s purposes and plans in every area of our lives: in our faith, in our personal lives, in our families, and in the ministry the where God has called us to serve.

The Big Picture
Expanding your metrics to include your whole life!
Prioritize deepening our connection with God & defining ourselves based on who He has created us to be.
Being intentional about restoring ourselves through personal wellness, integrity, and growth.
Being intentional about investing in our family & friends and allowing them to invest in us in a way that honors God and builds connection.
Being intentional about developing and implementing ministry plans where we utilize our unique calling, gifts, talents and abilities to work together with staff and volunteers in a way that intentionally build God’s kingdom while building each other.
Personal Ministry Metrics Defined:
Personal ministry metrics are statements that help us to measure faithfulness to God in every area of our lives based on His promises in scripture and His plans for us. Taking time to map out these metrics can help us to be more effective at pursuing faithfulness to God in our connection with Him, our personal growth and restoration, our families, and the ministry that God has called us to. It also helps us to be more intentional about enriching our lives through our connection with God and others in a way that helps to build us up instead of leaving us feeling used up as a result of investing our lives in ministry.
Opportunities to Develop Your
Personal Ministry Metrics
One-On-One Online Coaching
Work together with an online coach to help you develop and implement your Personal Ministry Metrics
Online Group Coaching
Invite other team members to join you to work together with an online coach to help each other develop and implement your Personal Ministry Metrics
(Up to 5 people)
Self-Study Course
Work through the Personal Ministry Metrics training at your own pace integrating other resources.